You may have already created web copy for your new website, and perhaps even created some directory articles for external linking. However, never underestimate the importance of creating blog content for your site. What is the difference between blog writing and general web writing?

Blogs do not necessarily have to be objective, as they are official company writings. Furthermore, blogs can be informal, conversational and sales-oriented. One great advantage of blog writing is that you can go into more detail on products or the industry you work in beyond general SEO articles. In fact, blog readers usually expect better quality content, as you are representing the company, and should by all means have an “expert opinion.” Yes, SEO friendly blogs can help you build your credentials while also improving your search traffic.

If you have a small business, starting an SEO-friendly blog is one of the best ways to reach out to your audience and show them that you have good content worth visiting on a regular basis. Most small businesses make the mistake of never updating their website. This is not only bad for business, it’s bad for SEO – that means the Google, Yahoo and other bots that “crawl” these ghost town sites will probably not stop by very often, as their owners have not been very hospitable. Search engines feed on new content and this is why many companies constantly build virtual real estate and write new pages every day.

So make an effort to be “hospitable” to your web traffic by always giving them something new to enjoy at your site, whether it’s new web content or personal and detailed blogs that help to explain the nature of your business. Remember, even if you don’t have time to write your own blogs you can often outsource this task to a professional copywriting firm or individual who takes the time to understand your business and can communicate effectively with your audience.