Whenever you create a new website for the first time, whether you’re investing in a huge new site with great artwork and animation, or even a simple CMS site (like WordPress or Joomla) one of the most important steps in finishing up the design is adding SEO-friendly web copy. Web copy refers to the words you publish on your site, the “pitch” you make to your viewers.

Most people think of web copy as “salesy” writing, with lots of Internet screaming(!!!!) and with all sorts of empty promises. Actually, it’s very important that new website content be balanced in terms of objective and instructional writing, as well as a few pages of, shall we say, “company culture.”

Search engines constantly “crawl” websites, and will take note as to whether a website is updated on a regular basis. So while adding a few pages of web copy is important, do not forget the necessity of blog writing and web content writing. The more words you offer to the search engines, the better chance a popular keyword search will request your content.

Always make your web content and sales writing exciting and conversational. Rather than focus too much on hyping up your services, instead, take the time to explain what your business is about, what your company intends to do, and what the value of your services are to customers.

In other words, write content for your viewers…but never underestimate the importance of writing for search bots, the programs that work day and night to find new content on the Internet. If you are thinking that keeping up with so much SEO content is difficult while running a fulltime business, you are correct. This is why many companies outsource this job to SEO firms. In Internet marketing, the most rewarded companies are the ones who strive for consistency and quality. Make sure your small business website does all of the above!