Has your site been hit by a Google Panda or Penguin update and has your traffic plummeted?  Or maybe you just missed the storm but are dreading the next Google algorithm update which promises to be even more discriminating against “lower tier” content.  Relax; you’re going to be fine!  Here are four emergency tips that will help you to stay the course.

1.    Reevaluate Stuff (content & traffic)

In simple terms, this means taking an honest and critical look, not only at your web content, but also at your entire SEO strategy.  Evaluate where your traffic is coming from and other opportunities you may be ignoring.

2.    Keep Up with the Latest News in SEO

The only way to really anticipate what the next big thing is in search engine algorithm changes is to read the latest news about SEO – not only official announcements but also speculation from some of the big names in the industry.  Twitter and Facebook are great avenues in which you can meet and watch the movers and shakers interact.

3.    Pay Some Attention to Quality Control

Don’t freak out over content so much that you ignore vital aspects of creating a usable, mainstream website.  Another factor that Google considers when penalizing and rewarding sites is the quality of the design – the technical aspects of the site, the authority of the site and the overall user experience.

4.    Diversify Your Web Marketing Strategy

It’s not enough to merely follow the trends and choose only the “biggest” sites on the net to build links.  Instead, diversify and look into alternatives for all the big sites, and even alternatives for the mediums you use.  For instance, don’t just settle on doing SEO work for Google – concentrate more on Yahoo and Bing.  Rather than relying on article directories, look into guest blogging and article writing for magazines.

Stay on top of the issues and you won’t be surprised or injured by another Google algorithm crash!