Avoid These Simple Marketing Mistakes

One of the greatest things about the Internet is that you can find just about any information you want on it. This is also, unfortunately, one of its biggest drawbacks. While there is great information out there, there is also no filter that prevents bad or inaccurate information from getting out and most consumers know this. Here are some of the things that may be hindering your marketing efforts that you are probably not aware of and these cover several strategies:

Your Informational Material Always Points to You

People are pretty good at catching on to when they’re reading a sneaky advertisement. Be wary if you’re using reviews that are really advertisements – reviews that keep mentioning the same things over and over. For instance, if you check on popular sites such as Amazon, you’ll see that some reviews mention the same product – oftentimes a competitor to the product being viewed – over and over. This isn’t fooling anyone and it makes savvy readers instantly discount your reviews. If you are going to use reviews as part of your marketing strategy, be sure they are good ones.

Your Sources Are Obviously Bad

If you are going to cite sources in your marketing, make sure they are good ones. There are plenty of marketing articles out there that cite any and every source they run across without ever checking to see if the information contained in those sources is accurate. It doesn’t require much work to do this. If you are not sure whether a product claim is true or not, for instance, you can just check sites such as Snopes.com and others that deal with bad information and check out yourself. Many of your Internet visitors will be well aware of this.

Common Logical Fallacies

Do take the time to check your work for logical fallacies. Even someone without any formal background in logic will pick up on these, as they will just sound inconsistent to the reader. For example, if you keep referencing experts or authorities, point out who you are actually referencing. This not only gives your argument more credibility, it also prevents you from accidentally plagiarism.

Free Gifts!

Some marketers do very well offering free gifts along with their services, but these really should be something of value, not just another sales pitch. If you’re going to offer information as a free gift that goes along with your product, make sure that the information is useful to the person reading it and that it doesn’t try to sell your product in some clever way.
The more customers feel like they can trust you the more likely they are to take your web marketing seriously.